Este proyecto fue creado en octubre 2011 por Grace Brown. Grace utiliza la fotografía para ayudar a personas que fueron abusadas sexualmente principalmente mujeres, la mecánica consiste en que la persona abusada escriba una frase o cita de sus atacantes en un póster para después fotografiarlas, describen este proyecto como una manera para que las victimas les quiten esa importancia a las palabras que se usaron contra ellas.
La meta es crear conciencia y ayudar a los afectados, si te interesa participar puedes mandarle un mail a
Los comentarios de las victimas los copiare literalmente en su idioma original con el fin de no cambiar o modificar algo en la traducción.
I never saw the stars that night…and those ten minutes quickly became two long and painful hours that I will never forget. No matter how many shots he gave me, I will never forget.
I was stalked by a man that I had thought was my friend for over a year. He raped me repeatedly. My fiance left me as a result of my being raped and I eventually moved out of state to get away from my rapist. Since then I have written a book about my experience titled Millions Of Scattered Polaroids which I plan to publish to bring light to the issues of stalking and rape that are experienced by so many women on college campuses. I am also now working at a Child Advocacy Center and aspire to one day be a victim advocate at a rape crisis center.
I am holding a black sign because I was unconscious when I was raped.
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